Friday, May 29, 2015

Why am I blogging again?

So I've decided to start a new blog...3rd times the charm? Haha anyways I feel like this blog will be different. My hope is that this blog will be inspiring and fun. A little 'pick me up' when you're bored at work or something to read when you're having lunch. I've blogged previously but I never had a true passion in what I was writing. I loved fashion and makeup but the blogs failed because I lost interest so quickly. This blog will be filled with a passion for what I write. 

Why did I start blogging again? It's been on my heart for over a month now. I've had these thoughts piling in my head that just want to be expressed. I feel God has pulled on my heart saying "this is what I want it to be about. Write about Me. Write about my unconditional grace." So here it is Lord. I want this to be a fresh 5 minute escape for anyone who reads.  

This is going to be a blog all about my life, my thoughts, my faith, my relationship, and my friendships. I'll answer any questions you have or offer advice and I'll share what I'm struggling with or what I've learned from my struggles. I may post randomly about my week or a fun day. It's going to be a surprise every time because I'll writing about whatever is on my mind that week. 

I'll finish off with a little bit about myself. So I'm 19(almost 20!) and I am in college. I have an insanely amazingly handsome boyfriend(who I may brag about here and there). I am a small group leader for young girls at my church. I'm definitely an introvert but I also love fun things like baseball games, shopping, and beach days. I was born in South Africa and I moved to America 12 years ago. My favorite movie is A Walk to Remember(I've cried all 5 times watching it) and my favorite color is pink of course. 
Here are a few fun pictures of my summer so far:

A beach day!
My boyfriend and I :) 
My boyfriend and I on the left, his sister and I on the right

So that's it for the first post! I'm not sure what I will talk about next but if you have any topic suggestions or questions feel free to email, comment, or tweet them to me. 


Instagram: claireizabella 
Twitter: @claireizabellaa

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